School, Centre, Institute and generalist degree reviews
A key role of the Academic Board is to oversee the University's review process for schools, institutes, university centres, and generalist degree programs.
Schools, institutes, university centres, and generalist degree programs undergo comprehensive external review on a septennial basis. The Academic Board Standing Committee oversees the review process on behalf of the Academic Board. The Standing Committee establishes the schedule of reviews in consultation with Executive Deans and members of the University's senior executive.
Upcoming reviews and terms of reference
Scheduled for review in 2025:
- School of Languages and Cultures: 19 May - 22 May 2025
- Submissions due: 14 April 2025
- Download Terms of Reference
- School of Agriculture and Food Sustainability: 28 July - 31 July 2025
- Submissions due: 23 June 2025
- Download Terms of Reference
- Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology: 18 August - 20 August 2025
- Submissions due: 14 July 2025
- Download Terms of Reference
- UQ Business School:15 September - 18 September 2025
- Submissions due: 11 August 2025
- Download Terms of Reference
- School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences: 29 September - 2 October 2025
- Submissions due: 25 August 2025
- Download Terms of Reference
- UQ Poche Centre for Indigenous Health:13 October - 15 October 2025
- Submissions due: 8 September 2025
- Download Terms of Reference
- School of the Environment: 27 October - 30 October 2025
- Submissions due: 22 September 2025
- Download Terms of Reference
Scheduled for review in 2026:
- School of Civil Engineering
- School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
- School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work
- School of Historical and Philosophical Inquiry
- UQ Medical School
- Institute for Molecular Bioscience
- Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation
Making a submission to an upcoming review
If you would like to make a submission an upcoming review, please consider the terms of reference and provide your comments on the school/centre/institute and their activities based on your own knowledge and experience. If you are not familiar with all the matters addressed by the terms of reference, please only respond to those that apply to your knowledge and experience.
Please include a contact name and email with your submission, in case the review committee wishes to discuss any of your submission with you.
Completed submissions should be sent to
Requesting confidentiality
If you do not wish to have your identity revealed, please download and complete a Request for confidentiality form (PDF, 91.3 KB) and email it along with your submission. The contents of your submission will still be disclosed, but we will make every effort to remove information that will reveal your identity.
General information
The review:
- aims to achieve improvement in academic performance through a process of self-assessment, benchmarking, critical reflection, forward planning and peer review; and
- provides the catalyst for a continuing cycle of development and improvement with a view to adopting good practice by international standards.
A review committee comprises five to six members who will:
- review a comprehensive submission from the unit under review, and individual submissions; and
- interview staff, students, professional representatives, and employer groups.
The unit's submission is developed in accordance with procedures developed by the Academic Board Standing Committee.
The review considers the unit's performance and planning in the following areas, as set out in the Terms of Reference document (for School or Institute or Centre):
- Vision and Strategy;
- Governance, Organisation, Operations and Administration
- Teaching, Learning and Impact;
- Research, Research Training and Impact;
- Professional, Industry, Alumni and Community Engagement and Partnerships;
- People, Culture, Equity and Diversity; and
- Resources.
Additional areas may also be nominated for specific reviews.
The review committee reports to the President of the Academic Board, and through the Board, to the Vice-Chancellor.
Outcomes and follow-up
A 12-month implementation report is required to be submitted to the Academic Board Standing Committee, 12 months after the Vice-Chancellor's approval of the review report. The implementation report addresses each recommendation of the review report and details progress made on implementation.
A 3-year implementation report is required to be submitted to the Academic Board Standing Committee, three years after the Vice-Chancellor's approval of the review report. The implementation report addresses each recommendation of the review report and details progress made on implementation. This report is then sent to the Vice-Chancellor and the Vice-Chancellor’s Risk and Compliance Committee for consideration.
Completed reviews
Year | School / Institute |
2024 | Bachelor of Science School of Chemical Engineering School of Communication and Arts School of Veterinary Science Queensland Alliance for Environmental Health Scicences Mater Research Institute |
2023 | Bachelor of Arts School of Economics School of Education School of Public Health School of Psychology |
2022 | School of Dentistry School of Mathematics and Physics School of Mechanical and Mining Engineering School of Music School of Political Science and International Studies Sustainable Minerals Institute TC Beirne School of Law |
2021 | School of Human Movement and Nutrition Sciences School of Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences Institute for Social Science Research |
2019 | School of Architecture School of Biological Sciences School of Biomedical Sciences School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences School of Social Science Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation Queensland Brain Institute |
2018 | Institute for Molecular Bioscience School of Civil Engineering School of Historical and Philosophical Inquiry School of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work |
2017 | Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology School of Business School of Languages and Cultures |
2016 | Centre for Advanced Imaging Global Change Institute School of Communication and Arts School of Education School of Pharmacy |
2015 | Bachelor of Science degree program School of Agriculture and Food Sciences School of Chemical Engineering School of Dentistry School of Economics School of Psychology |
2014 | Centre for Microscopy and Microanalysis Institute of Social Science Research School of Political Science and International Studies School of Population Health School of Veterinary Science Sustainable Minerals Institute UQ Diamantina Institute |
Please refer to the Review Coordinator for information about the terms of reference, submissions and reports for completed reviews.
Resources and links
Procedures and guidelines have been developed to assist review committees and the units under review by providing information on the following:
- preparation for the review;
- review process;
- implementation process;
- content of the unit's submission;
- description of standard terms of reference and related performance indicators; and
- roles of the review committee members and secretariat.
The following Policy and Procedures Library documents govern the review processes:
- Supervisory Organisational Structure Policy
- Research Centres and Research Networks Policy
- Academic Program Review Procedure
Briefing sessions
In preparation for the reviews, two briefing sessions are held in the year prior to the review. One session is held for the Heads of Schools and Directors of Centres and Institutes, and is led by the President of the Academic Board. The second session is held for the school/centre/institute's staff, postgraduate students, and is led by an Academic Board Standing Committee representative. A member of Academic Policy and Programs will contact your Head of School or Director to schedule the briefing sessions.
Slides from the President’s briefing session (PDF, 1.9 MB) ((UQ staff sign-on required) provide information about the review process that may be helpful to members of schools and institutes, including an outline of how to structure the submission.
Tips for School Managers
The 'How to get the most out of your school review process' (PDF, 265.8 KB) document ((UQ staff sign-on required) is a collection of tips from school managers and professional staff members who have been involved in the review process. The information is collated specifically for school managers in an effort to assist with the review process.
The document includes tips and information on:
- Preparing for the review
- Compiling the submission and strategic plan
- After the submission
- Staff engagement
Review submission examples
The following unit review submissions have been provided as examples ((UQ staff sign-on required).
- School of Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences (2021)
Submission (PDF, 10.9 MB) | Appendices (PDF, 3.9 MB) - School of Human Movement and Nutrition Sciences (2021)
Submission (PDF, 18.1 MB) - School of Education (2023)
Submission (PDF, 2.8 MB) - School of Psychology (2023)
Submission (PDF, 4.7 MB)| Appendices (PDF, 2.2 MB)
Data support and resources of information
Data sources and support to assist with a unit’s review submission are listed below:
- Planning and Business Intelligence has compiled a list of standard reports that units can refer to for data typically sourced for school reviews, available from UQ Reportal (UQ staff sign-on required)
- The Research Analytics team can provide assistance to Schools & Institutes in accessing research data and analyses not available in UQ Reportal. This includes compiling performance benchmarking data with comparable Go8 Schools/Departments, subject ranking results (where relevant), and creating internal and external collaboration visualisations. Depending on the complexity of the request, the team requires at least 4-6 weeks' notice and an initial meeting to determine the requirements and parameters of the analysis.
- The Research Outputs and Impact team in the UQ Library offers a service to units to produce a report covering unit-specific and standard analyses of publications using a range of metrics and data sources. Units can lodge a request to the team's email address At least 4-6 weeks notice is required, and an initial meeting is organised to discuss the specific requirements and standard analyses the report will provide, and to nominate institutions or specific units within institutions that they would like to benchmark themselves against for the benchmarking section of the report.
Helpful links
- University mission, vision and values
- Request for confidentiality form (PDF, 91.3 KB)
- Sample Questions for the review committee (for school reviews) (DOCX, 57.1 KB)