Teaching, Learning and Student Experience Committee advises and makes recommendations to the Academic Board and/or other University bodies or officers as appropriate on matters relating to:

  • teaching, learning and assessment
  • student experience
  • teaching and learning awards

2024 meeting dates

MeetingLocationDate and Time
TLSEC 2024/01Brian Wilson Chancellery (61A), Level 5, Senate RoomWednesday, 7 February 2024, 2:00pm
TLSEC 2024/02Brian Wilson Chancellery (61A), Level 5, Senate RoomWednesday, 13 March 2024, 2:00pm
TLSEC 2024/03Brian Wilson Chancellery (61A), Level 5, Senate RoomWednesday, 17 April 2024, 2:00pm
TLSEC 2024/04Brian Wilson Chancellery (61A), Level 5, Senate RoomWednesday, 15 May 2024, 10:00am
TLSEC 2024/05Brian Wilson Chancellery (61A), Level 5, Senate RoomWednesday, 19 June 2024, 10:00am
TLSEC 2024/06Brian Wilson Chancellery (61A), Level 5, Senate RoomTuesday, 16 July 2024, 10:00am
TLSEC 2024/aBrian Wilson Chancellery (61A), Level 5, Senate RoomTuesday, 13 August 2024, 10:00am
TLSEC 2024/07Brian Wilson Chancellery (61A), Level 5, Senate RoomWednesday, 11 September 2024, 10:00am
TLSEC 2024/08Brian Wilson Chancellery (61A), Level 5, Senate RoomWednesday, 6 November 2024, 10:00am
TLSEC 2024/bBrian Wilson Chancellery (61A), Level 5, Senate RoomWednesday, 11 December 2024, 2:00pm

*Current as at 7 December 2023, however dates are subject to change.

General information

  • Reporting to: Academic Board
  • Contact: app@uq.edu.au
  • Version (effective date): v1 (4 December 2023)
  • Sub-committees: To be determined
  • Quorum: 50% of voting membership plus one
  • Notes: abbreviated as TLSEC

Terms of Reference

The role of the Teaching, Learning and Student Experience Committee (TLSEC) is to:

  • Instigate, promote and support progress towards achievement of the University’s strategic goals pertaining to UQ’s teaching, learning and student experience, as articulated in the University’s Strategic Plan.
  • Ensure compliance with relevant legislation.
  • Monitor, advise, measure and make evidence-based recommendations to the Academic Board and/or other University bodies or officers as appropriate on matters relating to:
    • teaching, learning and assessment at the University, including means of measuring and improving the quality of teaching, learning and assessment design and academic integrity, as articulated in the University’s Strategic Plan
    • the broader student experience, including quality learning experiences and the extracurricular experience
    • the digital and physical learning environment including educational technologies, digital teaching practices, and scheduling and space requirements
    • the overall educational journey of students including student success, student wellbeing and enrichment, the promotion of active student participation and, the development of student-centred initiatives
    • means of encouraging and rewarding high quality teaching and learning
    • performance and priorities of student-facing services
    • the UQ Graduate Statement and Graduate Attributes, including Indigenising curricula, and
    • priorities arising through liaison with relevant external bodies.
  • Consider nominations for teaching awards and periodically review the University’s teaching and learning awards procedures.
  • Advise the Academic Board on issues or policies that relate to the above matters and other designated policies and procedures as set out in Schedule 1.

Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021

Teaching, Learning and Student Experience Committee contributes to the University of Queensland meeting the requirements of the following Domains and Standards within the Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021 (HESF 2021): 

  • Domain 1 Student Participation and Attainment
    • Standard 1.3 – Orientation and Progression
    • Standard 1.4 – Learning Outcomes and Assessment
  • Domain 2 Learning Environment
    • Standard 2.1 – Facilities and Infrastructure
    • Standard 2.2 – Diversity and Equity
    • Standard 2.3 – Wellbeing and Safety  
    • Standard 2.4 – Student Grievances and Complaints
  • Domain 3 Teaching 
    • Standard 3.1 – Course Design
    • Standard 3.2 – Staffing
    • Standard 3.3 – Learning Resources and Educational Support
  • Domain 4 Research and Research Training
    • Standard 4.2 – Research Training
  • Domain 5 Institutional Quality Assurance
    • Standard 5.1 – Course Approval and Accreditation
    • Standard 5.2 – Academic and Research Integrity
    • Standard 5.3 – Monitoring, Review and Improvement
  • Domain 6 Governance and Accountability
    • Standard 6.1 – Corporate Governance
    • Standard 6.2 – Corporate Monitoring and Accountability
    • Standard 6.3 – Academic Governance
  • Domain 7: Representation, Information and Information Management
    • Standard 7.2 – Information for Prospective and Current Students
    • Standard 7.3 – Information Management


Ex-Officio members           
  • Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Teaching and Learning) [Chair]
  • Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic)
  • Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Global Engagement) (or nominee)
  • Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Indigenous Engagement) (or nominee)
  • President, Academic Board
  • Deputy President, Academic Board
  • Associate Dean (Academic) from each faculty
  • University Librarian (or nominee)
  • Director, Student Affairs Division (or nominee)
  • Academic Registrar (or nominee)
  • Director, Institute for Teaching and Learning Innovation
Other Members
  • One recipient of Awards and Commendations for Teaching Excellence, selected by the Teaching, Learning and Student Experience Committee
  • One undergraduate student nominated by the UQ Union
  • One international student nominated by the UQ Union
  • One research higher degree student nominated by the UQ Association of Postgraduate Students
  • One postgraduate student nominated by the UQ Association of Postgraduate Students
  • Two elected members of the Academic Board nominated by Academic Board Standing Committe

The Chair may co-opt other staff to the Committee when required and may nominate permanent observers on an annual basis.

Administrative Arrangements

  • If the Chair is absent from any meeting of the Committee, the Chair will appoint another member to Chair that meeting. If the Chair is unexpectedly absent from any meeting of the Committee, members of the Committee present at that meeting will appoint a member as Chair for that meeting.
  • The term of membership for the elected members of the Academic Board nominated by Academic Board Standing Committee is two years.
  • The term of nominated representatives on the Committee is one year.
Membership categoryRoleNameUnit/affiliation
Ex officioPro-Vice-Chancellor (Teaching and Learning) (Chairperson)Professor Doune MacdonaldOffice of Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Teaching & Learning)
Ex officioDeputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic)Professor Kris RyanOffice of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic)
Ex officioDeputy Vice-Chancellor (Global Engagement) (or nominee)Mr Jogvan Klein Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Global Engagement)
Ex officioDeputy Vice-Chancellor (Indigenous Engagement) (or nominee)Professor Tracey BundaOffice of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Indigenous Engagement)
Ex officioPresident of the Academic BoardProfessor Craig FranklinOffice of the Academic Board
Ex officioDeputy President of the Academic BoardProfessor Lydia KavanaghOffice of the Academic Board
Ex officioAssociate Dean (Academic)Professor Tyler OkimotoFaculty of Business, Economics and Law
Ex officioAssociate Dean (Academic)A/Professor Liza O’MooreFaculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
Ex officioAssociate Dean (Academic)Professor Blake McKimmie Faculty of Health and Behavioural Science
Ex officioAssociate Dean (Academic)Professor Katharine GelberFaculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
Ex officioAssociate Dean (Academic)A/Professor Karyn JohnsonFaculty of Science
Ex officioAssociate Dean (Academic)Professor Nick ShawFaculty of Medicine
Ex officioUniversity Librarian (or nominee)Ms Caroline WilliamsOffice of the University Librarian
Ex officioDirector, Student Affairs Division (or nominee)Mr Andrew LeeStudent Affairs Division 
Ex officioAcademic Registrar (or nominee)Dr Kathryn BlythAcademic Registrar
Ex officioDirector, Institute for Teaching and Learning InnovationDr Greg Winslett (Acting)Institute for Teaching and Learning Innovation
AppointedRecipient of awards and commendations for excellence in teaching, selected by TLSECProfessor Jodie CopleySchool of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences 
AppointedUndergraduate student nominated by the UQ UnionMr Tapenaga Jnr Reupena UQ Union 
AppointedInternational student nominated by the UQ UnionMiss Crisza Amm Lim UQ Union 
AppointedResearch higher degree student nominated by the UQ APSMr Naga BandariUQ Association of Postgraduate Students
AppointedPostgraduate student nominated by the UQ APSMr Zheyuan ZhangUQ Association of Postgraduate Students
AppointedElected member of the Academic Board, nominated by ABSCA/Professor Ted NannicelliSchool of Communication and Arts
AppointedElected member of the Academic Board, nominated by ABSCA/Professor Jason Lodge School of Education, and Institute for Teaching and Learning Innovation
AppointedChair of a TLSEC Sub-CommitteeA/Professor Greg BirkettChair, Digital Learning Sub-Committee
ObserverOtherMs Kym PowellAssociate Director, Student Support and Wellbeing, Student Affairs
ObserverOtherMs Renee de SimoneAssociate Director, Student Transition and Campus Life, Student Affairs
ObserverOtherMr Bryan PrydeChief Executive Officer, UQ Sport
ObserverOtherDr Dino WilloxStudent Employability, Student Enrichment and Employability Development
ObserverOtherMr James CornishDeputy Director, Strategy and Operations, ITaLI
ObserverOtherMs Florence KearneyRepresentative, Heads of Colleges
ObserverOtherMr Christopher NewcombeStrategic Lead, Academic Language Development, Office of the PVC (Teaching & Learning)
SecretariatSecretaryMs Louise WilsonAcademic Policy and Programs
SecretariatAssistant SecretaryDr Nick HunterAcademic Policy and Programs

*As at 29 April 2024