The Academic Board is the principal academic advisory body to Senate and is established under the University of Queensland Act 1998. The Board advises Senate and the Vice-Chancellor on all matters relating to and affecting the University’s teaching, research and educational programs.

The role and function of the Academic Board are set out under the Academic Board Policy.

The Academic Board and its committees are part of the University's current governance structure. 

*As at 8 January 2025

2025 meeting dates 

Meeting                                Date and Time                           
Academic Board 2025/01Friday 14 March 2025, 10.00am
Academic Board 2025/02Friday 2 May 2025, 10.00am
Academic Board 2025/03Friday 20 June 2025, 10.00am
Academic Board 2025/04Friday 22 August 2025, 10.00am
Academic Board 2025/05Friday 17 October 2025, 10.00am
Academic Board 2025/06Friday 28 November 2025, 10.00am



Membership Category






Ex officioPresident of the Board (Chairperson)ProfessorLydiaKavanagh 
Ex officioDeputy President of the BoardProfessorBronwynLea 
Ex officioVice-ChancellorProfessorDeborahTerry ACVice-Chancellor and President, The University of Queensland
Ex officioProvostProfessorMarkBlowsProvost
Ex officioDeputy Vice-ChancellorProfessorKrisRyanDeputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic)
Ex officioDeputy Vice-ChancellorMrRongyuLiDeputy Vice-Chancellor (Global Engagement)
Ex officioDeputy Vice-ChancellorProfessorBronwynFredericksDeputy Vice-Chancellor (Indigenous Engagement)
Ex officioDeputy Vice-ChancellorProfessorPaulBonnington (Interim)Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation)
Ex officioPro-Vice-ChancellorProfessorSuzanneLe MirePro-Vice-Chancellor (Education and Student Experience)
Ex officioPro-Vice-ChancellorProfessorRachelParkerPro-Vice-Chancellor (Research)
Ex officioExecutive Dean of FacultyProfessorAndrewGriffithsFaculty of Business, Economics and Law
Ex officioExecutive Dean of FacultyProfessorSueHarrisonFaculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
Ex officioExecutive Dean of FacultyProfessorDannyLiewFaculty of Health, Medicine and Behavioural Sciences
Ex officioExecutive Dean of FacultyProfessorHeatherZwickerFaculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
Ex officioExecutive Dean of FacultyProfessorMelissaBrownFaculty of Science
Ex officioDean, Graduate SchoolProfessorVirginiaSlaughterGraduate School
Ex officioAssociate Dean (Academic)ProfessorTylerOkimotoFaculty of Business, Economics and Law
Ex officioAssociate Dean (Academic)Associate ProfessorLizaO'MooreFaculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
Ex officioAssociate Dean (Academic)ProfessorBlakeMcKimmieFaculty of Health, Medicine and Behavioural Sciences
Ex officioAssociate Dean (Academic)ProfessorKatharineGelberFaculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
Ex officioAssociate Dean (Academic)Associate ProfessorKarynJohnsonFaculty of Science
Ex officioAssociate Dean (Research)ProfessorMartie-LouiseVerreynneFaculty of Business, Economics and Law
Ex officioAssociate Dean (Research)ProfessorMatthewDarguschFaculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
Ex officioAssociate Dean (Research)ProfessorKarenMoritzFaculty of Health, Medicine and Behavioural Sciences
Ex officioAssociate Dean (Research)ProfessorAnnemareeCarrollFaculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
Ex officioAssociate Dean (Research)ProfessorAvrilRobertsonFaculty of Science
Ex officioHead of SchoolProfessorBrentRitchieBEL - School of Business
Ex officioHead of SchoolProfessorDanielZizzoBEL - School of Economics
Ex officioHead of SchoolProfessorRickBigwoodBEL - School of Law
Ex officioHead of SchoolProfessorAliCheshmehzangiEAIT - School of Architecture, Design and Planning
Ex officioHead of SchoolProfessorJustinCooper-WhiteEAIT - School of Chemical Engineering
Ex officioHead of SchoolProfessorTomBaldockEAIT - School of Civil Engineering
Ex officioHead of SchoolProfessorMichaelBruenigEAIT - School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Ex officioHead of SchoolProfessorRossMcAreeEAIT - School of Mechanical and Mining Engineering
Ex officioHead of SchoolProfessorJennaNgHASS - School of Communication and Arts
Ex officioHead of SchoolProfessorRobinShieldsHASS - School of Education
Ex officioHead of SchoolProfessorLisaFeatherstoneHASS - School of Historical and Philosophical Inquiry
Ex officioHead of SchoolProfessorGregHaingeHASS - School of Languages and Cultures
Ex officioHead of SchoolProfessorLiamVineyHASS - School of Music
Ex officioHead of SchoolProfessorKatrinaLee KooHASS - School of Political Science and International Studies
Ex officioHead of SchoolProfessorLyndaCheshireHASS - School of Social Science
Ex officioHead of SchoolProfessorStuartCarneyHMBS - Medical School
Ex officioHead of SchoolProfessorElizabethCoulsonHMBS - School of Biomedical Sciences
Ex officioHead of SchoolProfessorSasoIvanovskiHMBS - School of Dentistry
Ex officioHead of SchoolProfessorNerinaScarinciHMBS - School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences
Ex officioHead of SchoolProfessorJohnCairneyHMBS - School of Human Movement and Nutrition Sciences
Ex officioHead of SchoolProfessorKarenHealy AMHMBS - School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work
Ex officioHead of SchoolProfessorPeterCabotHMBS - School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Ex officioHead of SchoolProfessorJolandaJettenHMBS - School of Psychology
Ex officioHead of SchoolAssociate ProfessorSheleighLawlerHMBS - School of Public Health
Ex officioHead of SchoolProfessorSagadevanMundreeScience - School of Agriculture and Food Sustainability
Ex officioHead of SchoolProfessorJamesDe VossScience - School of Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences
Ex officioHead of SchoolProfessorJosephGrotowskiScience - School of Mathematics and Physics
Ex officioHead of SchoolProfessorSteveChenowethScience - School of the Environment
Ex officioHead of SchoolProfessorNigelPerkinsScience - School of Veterinary Science
Ex officioDirector of InstituteProfessorAlanRowanAustralian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology
Ex officioDirector of InstituteProfessorIanHendersonInstitute for Molecular Bioscience
Ex officioDirector of InstituteProfessorLisaMcDaidInstitute for Social Science Research
Ex officioDirector of InstituteProfessorAllisonPettitMater Research Institute
Ex officioDirector of InstituteProfessorMatthewMorellQueensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation
Ex officioDirector of InstituteProfessorPankajSahQueensland Brain Institute
Ex officioDirector of InstituteProfessorRickValentaSustainable Minerals Institute
Ex officioOtherMrAndrewFlanneryChief Operating Officer
Ex officioOtherMsCarolineWilliamsUniversity Librarian
AppointedStudent RepresentativeMrJaafarJaburUQ Union
ElectedProfessorial (2023 - 2025)ProfessorRyanKoChair and Director, UQ Cyber
ElectedProfessorial (2023 - 2025)ProfessorPeterHalleyEAIT - School of Chemical Engineering
ElectedProfessorial (2023 - 2025)ProfessorGabrielleBelzFrazer Institute
ElectedProfessorial (2023 - 2025)ProfessorDavidAscherScience - School of Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences
ElectedProfessorial (2023 - 2025)ProfessorGwendolynLawrieScience - School of Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences
ElectedProfessorial (2023 - 2025)Associate ProfessorMansourEdrakiSustainable Minerals Institute
ElectedProfessorial (2024 - 2026)ProfessorJohnMacarthurEAIT - School of Architecture, Design and Planning
ElectedProfessorial (2024 - 2026)ProfessorGregMarstonFaculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
ElectedProfessorial (2024 - 2026)Associate ProfessorDeanneGannawayHASS - Institute for Teaching and Learning Innovation
ElectedProfessorial (2024 - 2026)Associate ProfessorJasonLodgeHASS - School of Education
ElectedProfessorial (2024 - 2026)ProfessorMattMcDonaldHASS - School of Political Science and International Studies
ElectedProfessorial (2024 - 2026)Associate ProfessorJosephineBowlesHMBS - School of Biomedical Sciences
ElectedProfessorial (2024 - 2026)ProfessorRobertPartonInstitute for Molecular Bioscience
ElectedProfessorial (2025 - 2027)Associate ProfessorRachelFitzgeraldBEL - UQ Business School
ElectedProfessorial (2025 - 2027)ProfessorPaulHenmanHASS - School of Social Science
ElectedProfessorial (2025 - 2027)Associate ProfessorThelmaParkerHMBS - Faculty of Health, Medicine and Behavioural Sciences
ElectedProfessorial (2025 - 2027)ProfessorMassimoHilliardQueensland Brain Institute
ElectedProfessorial (2025 - 2027)ProfessorJoanneBlanchfieldScience - School of Chemistry and Molecular Bioscience
ElectedProfessorial (2025 - 2027)Associate ProfessorMarloesNitert DekkerScience - School of Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences
ElectedProfessorial (2025 - 2027)Associate ProfessorSoniaRoitmanScience - School of the Environment
ElectedNon-Professorial (2023 - 2025)DrLiLiAustralian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology
ElectedNon-Professorial (2023 - 2025)ProfessorMartinEdwardsBEL - UQ Business School
ElectedNon-Professorial (2023 - 2025)Associate ProfessorBadinGibbesEAIT - School of Civil Engineering
ElectedNon-Professorial (2023 - 2025)Associate ProfessorPeterSuttonEAIT - School of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering
ElectedNon-Professorial (2023 - 2025)DrThomasShawEAIT - School of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering
ElectedNon-Professorial (2023 - 2025)Associate ProfessorTedNannicelliHASS - School of Communication and Arts
ElectedNon-Professorial (2023 - 2025)DrAnniePohlmanHASS - School of Languages and Cultures
ElectedNon-Professorial (2024 - 2026)DrHamishMacDonaldBEL - School of Law
ElectedNon-Professorial (2024 - 2026)DrKellyGreenopEAIT - School of Architecture, Design and Planning
ElectedNon-Professorial (2024 - 2026)DrJoelCarpenterEAIT - School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
ElectedNon-Professorial (2024 - 2026)DrRichardThomasEAIT - School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
ElectedNon-Professorial (2024 - 2026)Associate ProfessorRodrigoSuarezHMBS - School of Biomedical Sciences
ElectedNon-Professorial (2024 - 2026)DrJessicaZacharHMBS - School of Dentistry
ElectedNon-Professorial (2024 - 2026)DrMilosTanurdzicScience - School of Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences
ElectedNon-Professorial (2025 - 2027)DrBirgittaEbertAustralian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology
ElectedNon-Professorial (2025 - 2027)DrCarolineKnightBEL - School of Business
ElectedNon-Professorial (2025 - 2027)DrAnnaride WaalBEL - School of Economics
ElectedNon-Professorial (2025 - 2027)DrKenanKalayciBEL - School of Economics
ElectedNon-Professorial (2025 - 2027)DrLeahHenricksonHASS - School of Communication and Arts
ElectedNon-Professorial (2025 - 2027)DrItiaFavre-BulleScience - School of Mathematics and Science
ElectedStudent (2025)MissSophyBarlow 
ElectedStudent (2025)MrSiddeshKarekal 
ElectedStudent (2025)MrJoshuaRyu 
ElectedStudent (2025)MissMelikaMirbod 
ElectedStudent (2025)DrNickYao 
ObserverObserverDrMarkEwenAssociate Director, Academic Services
ObserverObserverProfessorPaulHarpur OAMChair, UQ Disability Inclusion Group
ObserverObserverMsKellyRobinsonChief Marketing and Communication Officer
ObserverObserverProfessorSandyBrauerDeputy Executive Dean, Faculty of Health, Medicine and Behavioural Sciences
ObserverObserverProfessorPaulineFordDeputy Provost
ObserverObserverProfessorGregWinslettDirector, Institute for Teaching and Learning Innovation
ObserverObserverDrDinoWilloxDirector, Student Enrichment and Success
ObserverObserverDrBethanyMackayDirector, Student Support and Wellbeing Services
ObserverObserverDrJodiClyde-SmithExecutive Director, Research Office
ObserverObserverProfessorTraceyBundaProfessor of Indigenous Education, Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Indigenous Engagement)
ObserverObserverMrStephenPeakeRepresentative, Heads of College
ObserverObserverMsJenniferKarlsonVice-President (Advancement and Community Engagement)
Ex officioSecretaryDrKathrynBlythAcademic Registrar
SecretariatAssistant SecretaryMrDiegoRodriguezPolicy Team Leader, Academic Policy and Programs


* As at 17 February 2025

Agendas, minutes and annual reports are available to Academic Board members and UQ staff on Academic Board SharePoint site.


Academic Board Office:

Level 4 J.D. Story Building 
The University of Queensland 
St Lucia QLD 4072
+61 7 336 51320