Digital Learning Sub-Committee
Digital Learning Sub-Committee provides effective oversight, guidance and governance of digital educational technology, extending beyond software, platforms and tools, with a focus on:
- culture, capability and capacity;
- curriculum and courseware;
- eco-systems and partnerships; and
- the UQ Virtual Learning Environment Technologies.
2025 meeting dates
Meeting | Date |
DLSC 2025/01 | Thursday, 13 March 2025, 2.00pm |
DLSC 2025/02 | Wednesday, 16 April 2025, 2.00pm |
DLSC 2025/03 | Wednesday, 11 June 2025, 2.00pm |
DLSC 2025/04 | Wednesday, 16 July 2025, 2.00pm |
DLSC 2025/05 | Tuesday, 12 August 2025, 2.00pm |
DLSC 2025/06 | Tuesday, 16 September 2025, 2.00pm |
DLSC 2025/07 | Wednesday, 15 October 2025, 2.00pm |
* Current as at 2 January 2025; however, dates are subject to change.
General Information
- Committee name: Digital Learning Sub-Committee
- Reporting to: Teaching, Learning and Student Experience Committee
- Contact: Julie Thompson, Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic)
- Version (effective date): version 2 (01 March 2024)
- Quorum: 50% of voting membership plus one
- Notes: abbreviated as DLSC
The Digital Learning Sub-Committee (DLSC) provides a forum for leaders in teaching and teaching-related digital technology to advise on the digital pedagogies, platforms, and practices that best support UQ’s teaching and learning strategies. As a sub-committee of the Teaching, Learning and Student Experience Committee (TLSEC), and an advisory committee for governance of related technology projects, DLSC provides the focus and capacity to advise on these matters. The committee is strategic and future focused in its deliberations. The committee is responsible for proposing initiatives that range from evaluation and position papers to specific IT initiatives that support teaching.
Terms of Reference
The role of the Digital Learning Sub-Committee is to advise and make recommendations to the Teaching, Learning and Student Experience Committee and Goal A Governance Committee on:
- educational technology practices, developments, and trends that align with UQ’s strategic directions and address current issues
- the adoption and retirement of centrally supported educational technologies
- the prioritisation of relevant initiatives for consideration by the Goal A Governance Committee
- the evaluation of existing and new educational technologies
- future trends in digital teaching and learning
- policies and procedures related to educational technologies and digital teaching and learning practices
- the support, training, communication and professional learning requirements related to educational technologies.
Composition and membership
- Chair: Associate Dean (Academic) or Deputy Associate Dean (Academic), nominated by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic)
- Deputy Chair: Deputy Associate Dean (Academic) or Director of Teaching and Learning, nominated by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic)
- Director, Higher Education Technologies (Information Technology Services)
- Deputy Director, Digital Learning (Institute for Teaching and Learning Innovation)
- Manager, eLearning and Support Systems (Institute for Teaching and Learning Innovation)
- A Library representative, nominated by the UQ Librarian
- One representative from each faculty with teaching and learning leadership and expertise in digital learning systems, nominated by the executive dean
- One Level A or B academic representative, nominated by the Chair, Teaching, Learning and Student Experience Committee
- One undergraduate student, nominated by the UQ Union
- One postgraduate student, nominated by the UQ Association of Postgraduate Students
- An elected member of Academic Board, nominated by the Academic Board Standing Committee
- Program Manager, Application Development and Support (Information Technology Services)
- Director, Student Employability (Student Enrichment and Employability Development)
The Chair may co-opt representatives from other organisational units and project initiatives to the Sub-Committee on an as-needs basis.
Administrative Arrangements
- The term of nominated representatives on the Sub-Committee is one year
- The Sub-Committee meets six times per year; additional meetings may be scheduled as necessary.
Membership category | Role | Name | Unit/affiliation |
Chair | Deputy Associate Dean (Academic) | Associate Professor Greg Birkett | Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology |
Deputy Chair | Deputy Chair, Head of School, nominated by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) | Associate Professor Rachel Fitzgerald | Faculty of Business, Economics and Law |
Ex officio | Director, Higher Education Technologies | Ms Tabetha Bozin | Information Technology Services |
Ex officio | Deputy Director, Digital Learning | Dr Greg Winslett | Institute for Teaching and Learning Innovation |
Ex officio | Manager, eLearning and Support Systems | Dr Simon Collyer | Institute for Teaching and Learning Innovation |
Nominated | One early career academic (level A or B), nominated by the Chair, Teaching & Learning Committee | Mr Jim Schirmer | School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work |
Nominated | Member - Director of Collections and Digital Services | Ms Anna Lagos | UQ Library |
Nominated | Nominated Member - Faculty Representative | Professor Ross Grantham | Faculty of Business, Economics and Law |
Nominated | Nominated Member - Faculty Representative | Associate Professor Jason Lodge | Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences |
Nominated | Nominated Member - Faculty Representative | Professor Nalini Pather | Faculty of Health, Medicine and Behavioural Sciences |
Nominated | Nominated Member - Faculty Representative | Mr Richard Thomas | Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Systems |
Nominated | Nominated Member - Faculty Representative | Professor Gwendolyn Lawrie | Faculty of Science |
Nominated | Elected member of Academic Board, nominated by the ABSC | Associate Professor Peter Sutton | Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology |
Nominated | One undergraduate student, nominated by the UQ Union | Ms Zara Raissa | |
Nominated | One postgraduate student, nominated by the UQ APS | Karthik Barathithasan | |
Observer | Program Manager, Application Development and Support | Ms Vivienne Counter | Information Technology Services |
Observer | Director, Student Employability | Dr Dino Willox | Student Enrichment and Employability Development |
Secretariat | Secretary | Institute for Teaching and Learning Innovation |
*As of 2 January 2025
Agendas and minutes are available to DLSC members and UQ staff on the DLSC SharePoint site.
Contact: Rena Cheng