The Indigenous Learning Sub-Committee works with faculties and other appropriate organisational units in the University to develop, implement and communicate best practices for:

  • Indigenising curriculum at the course and program level, and 
  • the success of Indigenous students from recruitment to graduation

2025 meeting dates

MeetingDate and Time
ILSC 2025/01Tuesday, 11 February 2025, 10.00am
ILSC 2025/+1Thursday, 13 March 2025, 13.00pm
ILSC 2025/02Thursday, 1 May 2025, 10.00am
ILSC 2025/03Tuesday, 29 July 2025, 10.00am
ILSC 2025/04Wednesday, 23 September 2025, 10.00am

* As at 18 February 2025

General information

  • Committee Name: Indigenous Learning Sub-Committee
  • Reporting to: Committee for Academic Programs Policy
  • Contact:
  • Version: (Effective Date): 
  • Sub-Committees: Nil
  • Quorum: 50% of voting membership plus one
  • Notes: abbreviated as ILSC 

Terms of Reference

The role of the Indigenous Learning Sub-Committee is to:

  • Advise and make recommendations to the Committee for Academic Programs Policy (CAPP):
    • on the adoption, configuration and integration of Indigenous knowledges, studies and/or perspectives included in:
      • new coursework programs, and
      • structural amendments to existing coursework programs, including new and discontinued plans.
    •  on the appropriateness of strategies adopted, reported and considered in Academic Program Reviews and School Reviews that relate to Indigenising curriculum. 
  • Monitor and analyse:
    • access to UQ for Indigenous students, and
    • make recommendations to CAPP or the Teaching, Learning and Student Experience Committee (TLSEC), as appropriate, on initiatives and improvements to existing programs that will encourage Indigenous students to enter coursework programs at UQ.
    • reports and data on faculty profiles for Indigenous students’ progression, retention and completion, inclusive of feeder programs and scholarships specifically designed for Indigenous students; and
    • make recommendations to CAPP or TLSEC, as appropriate, to support and improve Indigenous students’ progression, retention and completion. 
  • Consult with faculties to develop discipline-specific strategies, policies and processes to enhance the inclusion of Indigenous curriculum in courses and programs, and to strengthen Indigenous student success.


Ex-Officio members
  • Professor, Indigenous Education, Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Indigenous Engagement) (Chair)
  • Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) or nominee
  • Director, Institute for Teaching and Learning Innovation (ITaLI) or nominee (Deputy Chair)
  • President of the Academic Board or nominee
  • University Librarian or nominee
Appointed members
  • One Associate Dean (Indigenous Engagement) or nominee, nominated by the Chair
  • One representative from a Faculty Indigenous Advisory Board/Committee, nominated by the Chair
  • One academic, from the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies Unit or Indigenous teaching academic, nominated by the Chair
  • One Indigenous Learning Designer, nominated by the Chair
  • One professional staff member (student support) from the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies Unit, nominated by the Chair
  • One Associate Dean (Academic) or other representative from HMBS/EAIT/SCI, nominated by the Chair
  • One Associate Dean (Academic) or other representative from BEL/HASS, nominated by the Chair
  • One school Director of Teaching and Learning or one school Indigenising Curriculum Committee member, nominated by the Chair
  • One undergraduate student nominated by the Goorie Berrimpa Student Collective of the UQ Union
  • One postgraduate student nominated by the Goorie Berrimpa Student Collective of the UQ Union

Administrative Arrangements 

  • The Indigenising Curriculum Sub-Committee meets four times a year.
  • The term of appointed members is one year.
Membership CategoryRoleNameUnit/Affiliation
Ex officioProfessor, Indigenous Education, Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Indigenous Engagement) (Chairperson)Professor Tracey BundaOffice of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Indigenous Engagement)
Ex officioDeputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) or nomineeProfessor Suzanne Le Mire Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Education and Student Experience)
Ex officioDirector, Institute for Teaching and Learning Innovation (ITaLI) or nominee (Deputy Chair)Professor Greg Winslett Institute for Teaching and Learning Innovation
Ex officioPresident of the Board or nomineeProfessor Lydia Kavanagh 
Ex officioUniversity Librarian or nomineeMs Anna Lagos (acting)UQ Library
AppointedAssociate Dean (Indigenous Engagement) or nominee, nominated by the ChairAssociate Professor Thelma ParkerFaculty of Health, Medicine and Behavioural Sciences 
AppointedRepresentative from a faculty Indigenous Advisory Board/Committee, nominated by the ChairMs Liz KupschFaculty of Health, Medicine and Behavioural Sciences
AppointedAcademic from the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies Unit or an Indigenous teaching academic, nominated by the ChairProfessor Anne Pattel-GrayAboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies Unit
AppointedIndigenous Learning Designer, nominated by the ChairMs Louise Crowe Institute for Teaching and Learning Innovation
AppointedProfessional staff member (student support) from the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies Unit, nominated by the ChairMs Cassandra Diamond Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies Unit
AppointedAssociate Dean (Academic) or other representative from HMBS/EAIT/SCI, nominated by the ChairAssociate Professor Steven SalisburyFaculty of Science 
AppointedAssociate Dean (Academic) or other representative from BEL/HASS, nominated by the ChairProfessor Tyler OkimotoFaculty of Business, Economics and Law
AppointedSchool Director of Teaching and Learning or one school Indigenising Curriculum Committee member, nominated by the ChairDr Kate McLayFaculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences 
AppointedUndergraduate student nominated by the Goorie Berrimpa Student Collective of the UQ UnionMr Lachlan Munns 
AppointedPostgraduate student nominated by the Goorie Berrimpa Student Collective of the UQ UnionMs Karina Maxwell 
ObserverManager of Educational Data and Metrics, Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic)Mr Mark Fischle Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic)
SecretariatSecretaryMrs Louise WilsonAcademic Policy and Programs
SecretariatAssistant SecretaryMrs Sarah Davidson-FlintAcademic Policy and Programs

* As at 18 February 2025

Agendas and minutes will become available to ILSC members and UQ staff on SharePoint from 2025 on the ILSC SharePoint site.

For further information, including agendas and minutes, please contact the Secretariat