Assessment Sub-Committee
The role of the Assessment Sub-Committee is to make investigations and advise the Academic Board, through the Teaching, Learning and Student Experience Committee, in relation to any matter associated with the conduct of assessment.
2024 meeting dates
Meeting | Venue | Date and Time |
ASC 2024/01 | Brian Wilson Chancellory (61A), Level 5, Room 566 | Wednesday, 21 February 2024, 2:00pm |
ASC 2024/02 | Brian Wilson Chancellory (61A), Level 5, Room 566 | Wednesday, 27 March 2024, 2:00pm |
ASC 2024/03 | Brian Wilson Chancellory (61A), Level 5, Room 566 | Wednesday, 1 May 2024, 2:00pm |
ASC 2024/04 | Brian Wilson Chancellory (61A), Level 5, Room 566 | Thursday, 20 June 2024, 2:00pm |
ASC 2024/05 | Brian Wilson Chancellory (61A), Level 5, Senate | Wednesday, 17 July 2024, 10:00am |
ASC 2024/06 | Brian Wilson Chancellory (61A), Level 5, Senate | Wednesday 4 September 2024, 2:00pm |
ASC 2024/07 | Brian Wilson Chancellory (61A), Level 5, Senate | Wednesday, 16 October 2024, 2:00pm |
ASC 2024/08 | Brian Wilson Chancellory (61A), Level 5, Room 566 | Wednesday, 20 November 2024, 10:00am |
* Current as at 13 December 2023, however dates are subject to change.
General Information
- Committee name: Assessment Sub-Committee
- Reporting to: Teaching, Learning and Student Experience Committee
- Contact: Ms Sandra Lee — Manager, Examinations
- Version (effective date): version 19 (4 April 2023)
- Sub-Committees: nil
- Quorum: 50% of voting membership plus one
- Notes: abbreviated as ASC
Terms of Reference
The role of the Assessment Sub-Committee is to make investigations and advise the Academic Board, through the Teaching, Learning and Student Experience Committee, in relation to any matter associated with the conduct of assessment. In this role, the Assessment Sub-Committee will—
- Review, monitor and promote quality assurance in assessment and report to the Academic Board through the Teaching, Learning and Student Experience Committee;
- Advise the Academic Board, through Teaching, Learning and Student Experience Committee, on policies designed to enhance the quality, effectiveness and efficiency of assessment; and
- Determine any matter arising in connection with, or incidental to, assessment where there is no other officer or body of the University as required or authorised by policy and procedures, to determine it.
Ex-Officio members
- Deputy President, Academic Board or nominee (Chair)
- Academic Registrar or nominee
- Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Teaching and Learning) or nominee
Other members
- Two (2) faculty Associate Deans (Academic), at least one of whom is a member of the Teaching, Learning and Student Experience Committee, appointed by the Chair of the Assessment Sub-Committee
- One (1) undergraduate student representative nominated by the University of Queensland Union
- One (1) postgraduate student representative nominated by the UQ Association of Postgraduate Students
- One (1) elected member of the Academic Board nominated by the Academic Board Standing Committee
- Up to four (4) members of academic staff with specialist assessment expertise, appointed by the Chair of the Assessment Sub-Committee
- UQ Library representative, nominated by the UQ Librarian
- Senior Manager, Examinations and Timetable Services.
- President of the Academic Board
- Manager, Student Complaints and Grievance Resolution.
Each Faculty must be represented by at least one member. This can be as an Ex-Officio, Appointed or Nominated member.
Administrative Arrangements
- The term of the Associate Deans (Academic) is two (2) years.
- The Manager, Examinations, provides secretarial services and is assisted by the Senior Administration Officer, Examinations
Membership category | Role | Name | Unit/affiliation |
Ex officio | Deputy President of the Board or nominee (Chairperson) | Professor Lydia Kavanagh | Deputy President of the Board |
Ex officio | Academic Registrar or nominee | Mrs Helen Morahan | Academic Services Division |
Ex officio | Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Teaching and Learning) or nominee | Professor Karen Benson | Director, Institute for Teaching and Learning Innovation |
Appointed | Associate Dean (Academic) appointed by the Chair of ASC | Associate Professor Liza O'Moore | Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology |
Appointed | Associate Dean (Academic) appointed by the Chair of ASC | Professor Nick Shaw | Faculty of Medicine |
Appointed | Academic staff member with specialist assessment expertise, appointed by the Chair of ASC | Ms Aliisa Mylonas | Faculty of Business, Economics and Law |
Appointed | Academic staff member with specialist assessment expertise, appointed by the Chair of ASC | Associate Professor Amy Hubbell | Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences |
Appointed | Academic staff member with specialist assessment expertise, appointed by the Chair of ASC | Associate Professor Christine Slade | Institute for Teaching and Learning Innovation |
Appointed | Academic staff member with specialist assessment expertise, appointed by the Chair of ASC | Associate Professor Peter Lewis | School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work |
Appointed | Undergraduate student nominated by the UQ Union | Samuel Wong | Undergraduate student |
Appointed | Postgraduate student nominated by the UQ APS | Sharmila Mehlo | Postgraduate student representative |
Appointed | UQ Library representative, nominated by the UQ Librarian | Ms Caroline Williams | UQ Library |
Appointed | Elected member of the Academic Board nominated by the Academic Board Standing Committee | Associate Professor Badin Gibbes | School of Civil Engineering |
Appointed | Senior Manager, Examinations and Timetable Services | Stephen Gillard | Senior Manager, Examinations and Timetable Services — ASD |
Observer | President of the Board | Professor Craig Franklin | Academic Board |
Observer | Manager, Student Complaints and Grievance Resolution. | Dr Rod Whybird | Student Complaints and Grievance Resolution |
Observer | Teaching and Learning Manager | Dom McGrath | Institute for Teaching and Learning Innovation |
Secretariat | Secretary | Ms Sandra Lee | Manager, Examinations — ASD |
Secretariat | Assistant Secretary | Mrs Linh Mills | Administrative Officer, Academic Policy and Programs |
*As on 7 March 2024
Agendas and minutes are available to ASC members and UQ staff on ASC SharePoint site.
- Secretary: Sandra Lee
- Assistant Secretary: Linh Mills